As you may recall, unless you're fairly new to this blog, I made a list for my 40th year of goals and nuggets of goodness I'd like to achieve. Some are whimsical and totally for the fun of it, some are more practical and good for my health and well-being and some are life-long dreams.
It has been almost two months since the blessed 40th birthday and my posting of the List. I thought I'd update you on what I've accomplished thus far.
*Become more organized: Happily I have rearranged my front room, which also happens to be my craft stash area, it's much more organized, cleaner and I like the layout. It is a small, narrow room that once used to be a porch until someone decided to turn it into a room. Sometimes it's a challenge to keep it clean, organized, comfy and suitable to be the first room you see in my house.
*Take an unexpected fun trip: I did this, as you might recall, back in May. I went to Whidbey to visit my lovely family and had a truly wonderful time and it was quite unexpected.
*Be more spontaneous: I am really trying to be more random and not worrying so much about planning every little detail of every day. Instead, I am trying to allow myself to enjoy everything I'm doing and not feel as though, I've got to rush to the next thing, simply because it's on my list.
*Add some low-lights to my hair: Wow, I did this too, while in Whidbey. My sister is a cosmetologist and fabulous at it. She did a bit of low-lighting on my hair and I've had many compliments...thank you, thank you!! Weirdly, I didn't know how to spell cosmetologist, I've always thought I was a good speller, but what do ya know, I was wrong. It is an odd word. You'd think they would study stars, not do hair/nails/make-up!! Hmmmm.....
*Help plan my daughter's wedding: Went dress shopping with her and we're working on details with her almost daily. Can I just say..Holy Cow!! Oh and more about this later! :)
*Enjoy every day, every moment, stop thinking about what's next and focus on now: I've been much better at this recently, as I've realized that today is what I have right now and I can't and don't want to spend my day worrying about tomorrow. But I will blog more about this later, as I have received a wonderful little book I want to share with you.
Well, that's about it so far....still working on that 40 lbs. thing, darn it! I am getting there, one small ounce at a time. Did you notice I updated my weight on the sidelines? It hasn't changed, only the date did, but at least it isn't more. Until next post, my dearies, always look
on the bright side of life!!
Well, that's about it so far....still working on that 40 lbs. thing, darn it! I am getting there, one small ounce at a time. Did you notice I updated my weight on the sidelines? It hasn't changed, only the date did, but at least it isn't more. Until next post, my dearies, always look
on the bright side of life!!