Encourage: To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten. To give support to; foster. To stimulate.
This is the definition from my old dictionary, actually it was my husband's dictionary from college, but that's beside the point.
I love looking up words and seeing their true meanings. I like that this word basically means to give courage to another person. To help them to boldly step out and go where no man has gone before, or at least to encourage them not to eat another 2 lb. bag of M&M's. (who me, I would never do such a thing)
I was reading this morning and came across this little blip.
"All of us need encouragement-somebody to believe in us. To reassure and reinforce us. To help us pick up the pieces and go on. To provide us with increased determination in spite of the odds.
When you stop to analyze the concept, "encourage" takes on new meaning. It's the act of inspiring others with renewed courage, spirit, hope.
The beautiful part about encouragement is this: Anybody can do it. "
Strengthening Your Grip by Charles Swindoll
So today, I want to encourage you my friends. Go out there and go boldly. Stick to what you've begun or start again, if needed. Look back over your list of goals you've written down and have desired to achieve and begin today to achieve them. Jump back on your exercise or diet plan, it doesn't matter that you ate 10 lbs. of food at the 4th of July BBQ. Today is a new day, a new week. You can do it and so can I. Call your girlfriend and head out for a walk. Take your kids to the park and swing with them or go to the pool and do a few laps. Eat fruit. Watermelon is everywhere. And while you're out there, encourage those around you. It feels good!!
Have a wonderful, blissful, productive day!!!
Carrots of Courage
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