It's been a wee bit, since I posted last and I am feeling a desire to start blogging again! Although I enjoy it, I don't really have an idea of a blogging theme. I talked to my girlfriend, who by the way, has a spectacular blog and always makes me laugh and her advice to me was, "do not worry about what you write, just write!"
I guess my blog will just be about life, it's a good theme and living is something I do everyday.
This past year or so, my life has changed dramatically. The dynamics of it have altered and what I thought would always remain the same, has surprised me and done the opposite of what I expected. This happens sometimes, and I suppose our reaction to it, is what makes us who we are!
One of the big changes has been my daughter leaving. She is grown up now and is getting married in a month. Wow!!! I rarely see her anymore, which was definitely not what I'd expected. But she travels and has a music ministry and so she is often out on the road. I had once thought she'd always live with us, or very near by....but life changes and people do too. haha!! She used to say she would live in our house forever or at least on our property and we'd have coffee together and play cribbage every morning. Silly me, I believed it! :)
My husband and I, along with our three teenage boys now run a non-profit youth center. We are open in the evenings, with the idea in mind to give the youth of our community a place to go, where they will hopefully stay out of trouble, feel as though they belong and have activities that are creative, uplifting and a little bit unique, as well as culturally diverse! This keeps us very busy, but has been a tremendous blessing, as well as, a huge learning and growing experience.
Aside from this, I try to keep up with my creative side. Without it, I'm certain I'd explode into a million bits. Everybody needs an outlet, it's much like therapy, yet less expensive and you usually don't have to leave your house. I like that! So, I'm in the process of knitting a yummy red cotton scarf, (yarn was a gift from my lovely friend). I'm almost finished with my deep chocolatey brown sweater, which reminds me, I really want to finish it before Fall, and the exciting big project, the project of my dreams....is painting a very large mural in the children's part of the Public Library. I'm very excited about this, I love to paint and draw and have always wanted to do something like this. It's taken me about 3 months so far, as I have very little spare time, but they've been so patient with me and I'm close to finishing it!
This is where I'm at right now!
Life changes, people around you change, how do you deal with the bigger changes in your life?
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