A Tip of Frugalness.
In these times of tightening our budgets and pinching our pennies, here's a simple way to keep some of those pennies in your pocket.
With Summer coming our way quickly, the warmer weather and sunshine is something you can take advantage of. If you have the space, hanging your clothes out to dry can save you approximately .75 cents per load. I typically do 2 to 3 loads per day, 5 days per week. That's a savings of $7.50 - $11.25 per week. Over the course of the Summer that can add up to $90.00 - $135.00, that's just for 3 months. How awesome is that?
Not to mention, if you do it right, you will be getting added exercise. Carrying a load of wet laundry all the way out to your yard. Squatting down to pick up each item, don't forget to tighten those buns when you stand up, twisting to put the item on the line and stretching your arms to pin the items. If you wear your bathing suit, you can get some good sun, as well as the fresh air.
I typically set my timer for about a half an hour, so I can check and see if it's ready. I like to get mine off the line before it's entirely dry, then I pop it in the dryer with a dryer sheet for about 10 minutes, so it'll be a bit more fluffy.
If you live in an apartment and can't hang your clothes out, you can use drying racks instead. It takes a bit more time to dry though.
Save money, save energy, get some fresh air and exercise. Yippee!
And I must say, there is something completely satisfying about this old fashioned way of drying your clothes. On a hot summer day, the cool, damp clothes feel good against your skin and it helps you to take a minute, slow down and enjoy the moment.
Have a Fabulous Friday,
oh and Happy May Day!
Carrots on the Clothesline
We always had a clothesline when I was growing up, and if there was a chore I hated, it was having to hang out the clothes! I think it would rank second only to washing dishes in the hated chores list. Of course, now, I see the economical aspects, but don't really have a good spot for a line. Wish I did!