Bananas!! A recent study has shown that
bananas have quite a bit of health benefits.
Some of the health issues eating a banana or two can help with:
Blood Pressure
Brain Power
Hang Overs
Morning Sickness
and that is just to name a few. There are more! With so many health
benefits, I think we should all go a little bananas. If like me,
you're not too keen on peeling a banana and sticking it in your mouth,
due to funky texture issues, you can turn it into a fabulous smoothie.
This is a recipe shared with me by Marie.
I've altered it a bit and I also add Kale for green benefits,
since salads are out of the question.
I call this little concoction
Green Chunky Monkey's
(it's more interesting for the kids)
1-2 bananas (depending on how much you want to make)
ice, ice baby (a few cubes)
frozen strawberries (about 5-6)
1/4-1/2 cup of water
a couple of stalks of kale, broken off the whole bunch
1/2 tsp. of coconut flavoring (adds yummy)
Put the water in your blender, then the ice and crush or grind, whatever works for you. Add the strawberries, and crush again until fairly smoothish. Add in the Kale, until nice and smooth, then toss in the coconut. Now add the banana, this will actually hide the Kale flavor and make the smoothie more creamy..(yum).
Pour in a glass and your ready for a good, healthy breakfast or treat!
Other add ins: orange juice (instead of water), yogurt for more creaminess, other flavorings that you prefer and of course other fruits. Play with it and have fun!
Have a healthy, happy and wonderful day!
Red Chunky Carrots (soon to be sleek and slim)
You know I love kale!!! Yummola!