This saying, "If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always got", is my new motto for this journey. Makes sense doesn't it? So, I guess this means I am not going on a diet, they never work for me anyway, instead I'm going to change the things that I've been doing continuously for the past, well... a lot of years. I spent time this weekend really thinking about my eating/exercise habits and let's just say, it's no wonder I am at this point. I'd love to blame it all on the Easter Bunny, but let's be honest, it's not like he shoved the chocolate in my mouth, that was me. With that in mind, I am going to make a short list (I don't want to overwhelm myself) and I will simply add to this list as I go.
Goals/New Habits:
1. Drink more water (I'll start with at least 4 tall glasses per day, I don't want to slosh when I walk)
2. Exercise Daily (I hope to walk every day, although weather is unpredictable, so I need alternatives, like getting off the couch and getting that brownie myself, instead of asking my kids to get it for me)
3. Add fruits and veggies to my day (I know I should be doing this already, but did I mention I am extremely picky...if it's not fattening, I don't like it)
4. Be Patient (I tend to give up quickly when I don't see immediate results, it took me years to get this way, I won't change overnight...darn!)
5. Look good in tights (when I put on my superhero costume, I don't want to frighten anyone...oh wait, that's a fantasy, not a goal)
Okay, I think this should be a good start. I will add to my list as I go, and I will let you know when these habits have taken. I do plan to work on these every day. Go me!!! I need to learn a better cheer.
Time to put on my walking shoes, I've got a long road ahead of me. :)
Great idea about setting reasonable goals. I am curious... do you have a goal weight? What would you like the scale to say when you step on it?