One more thing, I promise! Okay, I meant two more.
Yesterday, as I started out on my journey down the road, I noticed two things.
One: When going for a walk, feed the animals first. As I was walking away from my house, I looked back and realized that not only were my two dogs with me, but so were about 5 cats. We live in the country where outdoor cats are a must. It's either cats or rats and I prefer cats, they're cuter and you can smooch them on the nose. I don't mind that our pets wanted to walk with me, but my concern was for their safety. That, and I realized I must look like Dr. Doolittle.
Note to self: feed the animals before you walk, even if it's not your chore that day.
Two: The faster you walk the more you can feel your blood circulating, which got me thinking about my thighs and friction. I suppose if I walked fast enough, my pants would catch on fire. At that point, I guess I would just Stop, Drop and Roll and then get up and keep going. Wouldn't want to spoil such an effective workout.
Note to self: wear flame retardant pants when walking.
Ha ha... love it!