Somedays, exercise has to be done in another fashion. If you can make it happen and accomplish some large forboding task, then hallelujah. Two birds with one stone, so to speak.
I have a very large mowing area. We tend to mow about 2-3 acres, so we have plenty of walking/playing area. I absolutely love to mow, it's definitely my favorite of all chores. And with a riding mower, it's quite a pleasant task. (I can't hear anyone, I'm way out in the field looking at God's beauty, and the results of it actually last more than 5 minutes..unlike doing the dishes)Although I have 4 teenagers, they rarely get to mow, because quite frankly, given the choice between mowing and doing the dishes, I'd rather mow and let them do the dishes.
Our riding mower has bit the dust. We've used it to death and the poor thing has given all it's got. Time for a new one! Until that can happen, I'll be out mowing with the push mower. Talk about exercise, wooh! It's been awhile since I've pushed a mower around the yard, and
boy-howdy, it will definitely work your arms, legs and cardio. This is a good workout and with most of the yard not yet mowed, I will definitely be getting my exercise. I better go eat my Wheaties, I've got work to do!
What are you going to do today?
Love it! Too bad about the mower, though. I remember that we were given the privilege of using the riding mower when we were 10 years old and I felt like a teenager driving that thing around. Somehow mowing without a little seat to sit on and a steering wheel to turn just isn't as fun. :o(